7401 Scott Wright Road Texarkana, TX 75503 |
903-334-7401 https://www.texarkanagolfranch.com |
Price to Play $25 - $50 |
Texarkana Golf Ranch is on the north side of Texarkana off I-30 between the A&M Campus and Bringle Lake.
The golf course is carved through deep woods along the Lake with unique, isolated fairways over hilly terrain. The fairways corridors are defined by pine trees with little room for error. There are eight holes along the Lake, multiple water features, and a generous amount and variety of sand traps at the landing zones and defending the greens. Overall, it's a challenging shot maker's layout with the tips playing to 7,359 yards, 76.0/149, course/slope ratings, and four shorter tee boxes, designed by Jim Fazio and Hank Haney.